Simon Vinkenoog, Amazing Poet

Simon Vinkenoog is a famous Dutch poet who had the idea “we are all one” years ago, before it was fashionable. Little by little, I am going through his website with an online language translator, as my Dutch is very limited at this point.

I think that the more we English-speakers can understand the thoughts of people world-wide who speak other languages, the more educated we will become; and the more enlightened and forward-thinking we will become. There is a whole world of thought and ideas out there, and the more I look, the more I notice that people are largely on about the same thing. I don’t know what happened originally that now we as humans are divided by our inability to communicate; but what matters now is that we DO communicate with each other. Let’s not be such imperialists (and here I am talking mostly to the Americans who are reading this)! Let’s learn other languages so we’re not so ignorant!

Simon does have an English section on his website; but even there, he admonishes people to learn some Dutch. Let’s do it! Let’s all place importance on improving our inquiring minds! Learning how to talk to each other is a political act that no one in charge can do anything about! And then there we will be-peaceful, intelligent humans talking to each other, writing to each other, sharing ideas, solving problems together! Wouldn’t that be cool?

Okay. Here’s Simon Vinkenoog’s website link:

and here’s the free translation link I’ve been using:

Remember to set the translator this way: “Dutch to English”, and then you can copy and paste the words into the box provided. Click the “free translation” button, and the Dutch will be translated into English for you. A word of caution: it does not translate literally, and it stumbles with most euphemisms, slang, and figures of speech.  The way the Dutch language is put together really comes through;  smooth, shiny patterns. (I am in love with language; could you tell?)  It makes for a thought-provoking, educational read.  Do it! It’s really fun!

Learn! Learn! Learn!

And then you might find yourself on a plane to the Netherlands, headed to Amsterdam where Simon lives; and if you go to one of his poetry readings, you will be able to understand him!

That’s what I’d like to do, anyway!  


  1. August 30, 2007 at 9:19 am

    Ow yes, I remember one of his poems he read at a spinvis’ concert.

  2. Anna said,

    August 30, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    Thanks for commenting, Artinthepicture! I’ve checked out your blogsite and am really enjoying it! Alstublieft!

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